• 26 ноября 2015, четверг
  • Иннополис, ул. Университетская, д. 1, ауд. 307, 3й эт.

AKSES: Combining IoT and Cyber world: Tools and methodologies to manage a urban environment

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3166 дней назад
26 ноября 2015 c 14:00 до 15:00
ул. Университетская, д. 1, ауд. 307, 3й эт.

This talk will address the problem of integrating the cyber and the physical world through a comprehensive platform implementing tools for smart devices integration, configuration and management in a Cloud-like fashion, as well as empowering development of novel services. Following a quick introduction on the MDSLab research group, with on-going projects and research directions, the talk will introduce Cloud computing principles, will present mechanisms to interact with the Internet of things and will provide examples of applications to Smart cities and related services.

New services are rapidly being developed to interact with the surrounding environment, collecting data and applying management strategies. By adding smart objects into the mix, new opportunities arise for contextualization and geo-awareness. In this view, computing, storage, networking, and sensing become complementary aspects to be coordinated in order to provide new types of Sensors and Actuators as a Service (SAaaS), in a software-defined autonomic infrastructure fashion. The reference scenario is highly dynamic, since it can involve both static (sensor networks, RFID, etc.) and mobile (smartphone, PDA, etc.) heterogeneous objects and nodes that can randomly join and leave the connected environment in a volunteer contributed scenario. Smart objects have to be abstracted and virtualized in order to be provided under the guise of customisable virtual devices and corresponding services. Enabling technologies towards the envisaged goals are: abstraction and virtualization of objects; volunteer techniques for enrolment and distributed coordination; Cloud-like, service-oriented interfaces, autonomic techniques and semantic enablement.
Given such background, this talk will address the problem of integrating the cyber and the physical world through a comprehensive platform implementing tools for smart devices integration, configuration and management in a Cloud-like fashion, as well as empowering development of novel services.
Following a quick introduction on the MDSLab research group, with on-going projects and research directions, the talk will introduce Cloud computing principles, will present mechanisms to interact with the Internet of things and will provide examples of applications to Smart cities and related services.


Antonio Puliafito is a full professor of computer engineering at the University of Messina, Italy. His interests include parallel and distributed systems, networking, wireless, GRID and Cloud computing. He is involved in research on advanced analytical modelling techniques. He is the coordinator of the course of study in computers engineering. He has been a referee for the European Community since 1999. He has contributed to the development of the software tools WebSPN and ArgoPerformance, which are being used both at national and international level. Dr. Puliafito is co-author of the text entitled "Performance and Reliability Analysis of Computer Systems: An Example-Based Approach Using the SHARPE Software Package", edited by Kluwer Academic Publishers. He is the director of the RFIDLab, a joint research lab with Oracle and Intel on RFID and wireless. He currently leads the Centre on Information Technologies Development at University of Messina (CIAM), offering ICT services to public and private institutions. From 2006 to 2008 he acted as the technical director of the Project 901, aiming at creating a wireless/wired communication infrastructure inside the University of Messina to support new value added services (winner of the CISCO innovation award). He was also the responsible of two big Grid Projects (TriGrid VL and PI2S2) funded by the Sicilian Regional Government and by the MIUR, respectively. He is currently a member of the general assembly of CloudWave, an IP project funded from the EU to explore the deployment and management of new application services which adapt to the execution environment. He is also involved in the Horizon2020 Beacon project on Cloud federation.  He was also the main investigator of the Italian PRIN2008 project “Cloud@Home”, trying to combine cloud and volunteer computing. He is the scientific leader of the PON01 SIGMA project, that intends to develop cloud solutions to manage environmental multi-risk critical situations, integrating wireless and Cloud services. He was the scientific director of Inquadro s.r.l., a spin-off company whose main business is RFID and its application both in public and private sectors. He recently constituted the start-up DH Labs, which develops systems and solutions related to the Internet of Things. He is coordinating the crowdfunding initiative #SmartME to transform Messina into a Smart City.



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