• 29 октября 2015, четверг
  • Иннополис, Университетская д.1, ауд.308

AKSES:The Event-B Method: an introduction

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3194 дня назад
29 октября 2015 c 15:00 до 16:00
Университетская д.1, ауд.308

There exist different methodologies for developing systems. The number of methodologies has increased over the time thanks to the need of building correct software (specially critical systems). During this talk, I will be presenting a different approach to model systems in a rigorous way. I will be presenting the step-wise refinement method (using Event-B) and its parachute methodology (introduced by J.-R. Abrial). Using this approach, users write an abstract model of a program and define properties over it, and then transform the model into implementation via a series of refinement steps (i.e. adding more details and properties to the system). Along the way, users need to formally prove the correct behaviour of the system. This technique is known as Correctness-by-Construction.

Speaker: Victor Rivera


Victor is interested in the improving of software quality by applying different formal methods. During his PhD research, he was working in the combination of two formal techniques to improve the quality software while reducing the effort needed by developers. Currently, Victor is working at the Software Engineering lab at Innopolis University on Design by Contract, specifically on the automatic inferring of frame conditions.​


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