• 27 августа 2015, четверг
  • Иннополис, ул.Университетская, 1

PSI 2015. Tutorials. Software Development Lifecycle: Anti-Crisis Optimization

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3257 дней назад
27 августа 2015 c 16:00 до 17:00
ул.Университетская, 1

The tutorial discusses the lifecycle tuning in order to address the crisis. This is a non-trivial issue. In what way can software engineering principles and practices assist for software development crisis? The tutorial discusses the differences between software project and software product lifecycle. Based on the lifecycle structural analysis, we outline the low-cost strategies, still affordable in terms of product quality. Further on, we identify the key software project growth factors, such as transparent communication, development discipline, standards to set/follow, and CASE applicability, to name a few. Afterwards, we search for a reliable framework of the lifecycle optimization, which is dependent on the lifecycle model. Therewith, we keep in mind that certain models can converge and blend. Finally, the tutorial examines the object-oriented model strengths and weaknesses based on maintainability and reusability principles.


Dr. Sergey V. Zykov holds a PhD in Computer Science from Moscow Engineering Physics University (2000, formal models and methods of enterprise software systems integration). He has a 20-year experience in IT, including 2 years as Vice-CIO of ITERA Group. He has a 20-year experience in teaching computer science and software engineering, a number of certificates from Carnegie Mellon University and a PGCert in Higher Education from the London School of Economics. Currently, he is an Associate Professor at Higher School of Economics, Innopolis University, Moscow Aviation Institute, and Moscow Engineering Physics University. He authored 10 books and over 100 papers on computer science and software engineering. His primary research fields are: enterprise software development, enterprise application integration, data modeling, web portals.


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