• 14 мая 2015, четверг
  • Казань, ул.Петербургская, 52, ИТ-парк, пресс-центр

AKSES@KSU&InnopolisUniversity: Speech analysis. State and perspectives

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3362 дня назад
14 мая 2015 c 18:30 до 19:30
ул.Петербургская, 52, ИТ-парк, пресс-центр

Speaker Khusainov Aidar

Information technologies led to the creation of not only the variety of devices, but also the ways of communicating with them. One of the most perspective approaches is to use speech for controlling PC or other devices.

Nowadays we can use speech directly to interact with information systems (e.g. voice search), but at the same time our speech samples can be used indirectly, for example, contact centers can analyze our voice characteristics to determine customer’s satisfaction. These kinds of services have become possible thanks to developing of speech technologies. They focused on solving tasks like speech recognition, language identification, pronunciation verification, etc.

At this workshop we will mention the main achievements in the field of speech analysis and discuss some perspectives of the speech services in the Republic of Tatarstan in the next 3-5 years.


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