• 23 апреля 2015, четверг
  • Казань, Kazan Federal University building 2, room 206

AKSES@KSU&Innopolis University: Computational Intelligence Creating Procedural Content for Games. Speaker Joseph Brown

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3383 дня назад
23 апреля 2015, начало в 18:30
Kazan Federal University building 2, room 206

Procedural Content Generation (PCG) allows for parameter models of designs to create content with minimal user interventions, or to provide a human with an overview of possible designs. Techniques involving generative methods, search based algorithms, and evolution, give the designer control over large design spaces.  These techniques are at the forefront in novel tools for game design and assets: expanding replay-ability, reducing costs and entry points for asset creation, and allowing for personalized play experiences.  These methods have also found their way into other industries, such as, fashion, architecture, and industrial design.  This talk will give an overview on the current thinking on PCG using biologically inspired searches to develop levels and enemy placement. Dr. Brown will give an overview of current independant and AAA games, and how these techniques are being used an will be used in the near future.


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