• 25 августа 2015, вторник
  • Казань

PSI: 10th Ershov Informatics Conference

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3259 дней назад
с 10:00 25 августа до 18:00 27 августа 2015

The Ershov Informatics Conference (the PSI Conference Series, 10th edition) is the premier international forum in Russia for research and applications in computer, software and information sciences. The conference brings together academic and industrial researchers, developers and users to discuss the most recent topics in the field. PSI provides an ideal venue for setting up research collaborations between the rapidly growing Russian informatics community and its international counterparts, as well as between established scientists and younger researchers.

The Perspectives of System Informatics (PSI) conference series is a forum for academic and industrial researchers, developers and users working on topics relating to computer, software and information sciences. The conference serves to bridge the gaps between different communities whose research areas are covered by but not limited to foundations of program and system development and analysis, programming methodology and software engineering, and information technologies. The PSI forum provides a venue for such communities at which common problems, methods and methodologies can be discussed and explored. In doing so, PSI aims to support researchers in their quest to improve the reliability, flexibility and efficiency of methods, algorithms and tools for developing computer, software and information systems.

The first eight PSI conferences were held in 1991, 1996, 1999, 2001, 2003, 2006 and 2009, 2014 respectively, and proved to be significant international events. The main advantage of the PSI series is that they are multi-subject conferences. This gives a unique possibility for researchers from different fields (system specification and verification, language design and implementation, data and knowledge bases, etc.) to familiarize themselves with research in related fields and discuss the problems of mutual interest. The success of the conferences is confirmed by the steadily increasing number of foreign participants: while there were only 14 foreign participants in 1991, in 1996, 1999, 2001, 2003, 2006, 2009, 2011 and 2014 there were 32, 38, 43, 51, 56, 58, 61 and 65 of them, respectively.

The PSI conferences give a unique possibility for establishing cooperation between Western and Russian researchers. For example, A.P. Ershov Institute of Informatics Systems has established cooperation with several universities in France (Nante, Paris11 and Paris13), Germany (Karlsruhe, Oldenburg, Berlin, Munich), Denmark (BRICS & Aarhus University), South Korea (KAIST, Taejon) and other countries. The PSI conferences are intensively attended by master/PhD students and young researchers from the Russians institutes which gives them an opportunity to learn about the cutting-edge trends and latest results of research in Europe and USA. On the other hand, the conferences give their foreign participants a great chance to get familiar with research in Russia. The warm, friendly atmosphere of the conferences attracts researchers from many countries in spite of the long distance to be covered to reach Russia.


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