• 17 октября 2014, пятница
  • Казань, Петербургская, 52

AKSES@KSU&InnopolisUniversity: Alias calculus, change calculus and more

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3477 дней назад
17 октября 2014 c 18:30 до 20:00
Петербургская, 52

В рамках совместного проекта Казанского Федерального Университета и Университета Иннополис — All Kazan Software Engineering Seminar с открытой лекцией выступит профессор Бертран Мейер — создатель языка программирования Эйфель. Место: ИТ-парк, пресс-центр. Участие: бесплатное

ABSTRACT: Many of the most difficult and important problems of program analysis boil down to alias analysis: finding out whether two reference (pointer) expressions can become attached to the same object. Since 2010, with the help of colleagues (particularly Alexander Kogtenkov and Sergey Velder) I have developed an “alias calculus” and applied it to such goals as change analysis (also known as frame analysis) and deadlock detection. The talk describes this work and presents what can be achieved today in automatic alias and change analysis as part of the Eiffel Verification Environment.

SPEAKER’S BIO: Bertrand Meyer received a master degree in engineering from the École Polytechnique in Paris, a second master’s degree from Stanford University, and a PhD from the Université de Nancy in Nancy, Meurthe-et-Moselle. He had a technical and managerial career for nine years at Électricité de France, and for three years was on the faculty at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Since October 2001, he has been Professor of Software Engineering at ETH Zürich, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, where he pursues research on building trusted components (reusable software elements) with a guaranteed level of quality. His other activities include being adjunct professor at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia (1998–2003) and membership of the French Academy of Technologies. He is also active as a consultant (object-oriented system design, architectural reviews, technology assessment), trainer in object technology and other software topics, and conference speaker. As former head of the ETH Computer  Science department, he is one of the founders and the current president of Informatics Europe, the association of European computer science departments.


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